
“A woman is like a tea bag you never know how strong it is until it gets into hot water" - Eleanor Rooservelt

What do you love about this career?

I’ve been in the game for 15 years now and it still doesn’t feel like work. There is something so powerful about playing even the smallest part in helping a woman love herself. It also helps that I absolutely love meeting new people and hearing the stories of their lives.

Last meal on earth? 

Cheese, bread, olives, repeat.

Fav thing to do for clients?

Transform their hair into a change that they have been contemplating for awhile.  

What do you love about SISJ?

It is the absolute best of me. It represents the strength that inspires me everyday; from my team, to our clients, and the souls that its name celebrates!

Best hair advice?

Don’t be afraid to take a chance with your hair.  I've had many colors, shapes, and styles, and it always grows back!

Quote you love?

"Don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem" - Lauryn Hill